
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Clandestine Cake Club at North Star Piccadilly

With "Mad Hatter's Tea Cakes" as the theme and fantastic teas flowing, this month's Clandestine Cake Club was more like a tea party than a cake club!

The Mad Hatter's Cake Club was hosted by the lovely ladies at North Star Piccadilly and I came along with my Malted Marshmallow Cake. Well, boy were we looked after! Not only had North Star provided us with an absolutely lovely venue but they'd also put on an amazing drinks offer for us: £3.50 for unlimited teas and coffees.

There was a great selection of weird and wonderful teas, all of which were lovely and helped me to get more cake down my gob.

Once all the beautiful cakes had arrived we realised what a treat we were in for.

People had really been imaginative with the theme but also everyone had interpreted it differently so there were loads of different gorgeous cakes.

I was also really happy that I managed to rope lovely Hayley into coming along to this month's event. She has listened to me jabber on about Cake Club for some time now and said she really wanted to come but was also really nervous!

Well she needn't have worried. Her Lime and Coconut Cake was amazing - definitely one of my favourites. Not only was it beautiful it tasted great (like a mojito!) and was so light and fluffy! I was really happy the next day when she told me she and Keiran had a great time.

The awesome selection of cakes made it very difficult to decide what to eat, so as usual I went for the greedy guts option of trying a slither of every cake! We are really lucky in Manchester to have such great bakers as every cake was delicious. Peta and Emma's cake definitely wins the award for the most beautiful cake I've ever clapped eyes on. Super impressive!

We really enjoyed Claire's Chai Latté Cake, especially the icing which was super smooth. Very inventive!

I also loved Steve's Trillionaire's Shortsponge which was a proper boy cake - no-nonsense presentation, plenty of calories and lovely crispy bits of shortbread!

Sophie's Rainbow Cake was incredible - looked so sweet and innocent on the outside but when you cut into it, was mind-blowingly full of layers of every colour! We were amazed at how she managed to get each sponge the exact same width and tasting so light and fluffy too!

Gwyn's Whisky Orange Marmalade Cake was also lovely - so sweet and citrusy with deliciously light icing.

Another fave of mine was Louise's Candy Floss Cake - such a fab idea and so pretty!

By the time I got round to enjoying a slice of Ivy and Amy's Clock Cake I was feeling rather sick, which is why I am really pleased I was able to enjoy a nice slice of it at break time yesterday at school. It was gorgeous, I loved the cream and fresh raspberries, they made me feel positively healthy! Oh and what a brilliant cake stand!

I was having so much fun chatting and eating cakes that I couldn't believe how quickly the evening flew by. I really think this was my favourite Clandestine Cake Club to date - it was such a great venue and there was such a lot of amazing-quality cake.

I'm already really looking forward to the next event and starting to think of ideas for what I could bake. Thanks once again to Gwyn for arranging such a fun event, and thanks to North Star Piccadilly for being such welcoming hosts.


  1. Me too loved Hayley's coconut and lime cake, I think that was the first to completely disappear, very light and really refreshing (can cake be refreshing? Yes I think so!). Did love the tea menu, the rose tea was beautiful, thanks for looking after us North Star Picadilly (I've had lunch there and it's very good by the way, and free wi-fi).

  2. Yes thanks to north star for being the hosts with the most. Will have to try them out for a spot of lunch in town!

  3. How ace is Clandestine Cake Club?! X

    1. It's the best isn't it :) when's your next event?

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