
Monday, October 24, 2011

Amore Pizza

During our visit to North West Food Lover's Festival at Tatton Park on Saturday, we could not help but notice Amore Pizza, with their sign advertising the fact that they were "Passionate about Pizza" and could knock a bad boy out in 60 seconds using their authentic pizza oven.

We waited right until the end of our time at the fest once we had been back to the car and dropped our bags off to get our pizza as we wanted to enjoy it properly. No sooner had we put in our order for a "House Special" brie, caramelised onion and courgette pizza, we realised the ladies who owned Amore Pizza were amazing - they were so nice to us!

They told us all about their business, which is actually fairly new, what they had been up to and also asked us loads of questions. They seemed quite happy when we said we were going to blog about them and invited me into their trailer to look at their pizza oven! It was really exciting to see our pizza being cooked in the hot oven and definitely made me even more keen to eat it.

When our pizza came out of the oven, we were given the option of fresh rocket on top which of course we went for. The finished product was beautiful with a perfect looking base and lovely colourful toppings. They insisted that we top our pizza with a good drizzle of chilli oil and some chilli flakes.

Not only that but when it came to pay they said that we could have our pizza for the reduced price of a fiver because we had taken photos! If that's not great customer service I don't know what is. We said our goodbyes and took our pizza over to a quiet spot in the park - under a massive picturesque tree!

The pizza itself was absolutely gorgeous. Great combination of toppings, perfectly crispy base which was a little blackened on the bottom while still chewy and soft on the inside. They were generous with the cheese and this made it a really luscious pizza.

The only downside of the whole experience was that I managed to make quite a large hole in a rather unfortunate location on my tights due to my choice of seat but that pizza was definitely worth it.

We are really glad that we found out about Amore Pizza. It is great to see people who are so lovely and passionate about their business - I have no doubt that they will do really well. I would definitely recommend them for any event, in fact in the past Bailey and I had actually discussed how it would be awesome to have fresh pizza at our wedding (one day in the distant future...) and it seems now that could be a reality!

We genuinely feel that our Amore Pizza experience made our day and we hope to run into them again soon!


  1. That looks like great pizza they do. Always good to support a real food business. Great idea for wedding food, what more would you want, but gorgeous pizza.
    Good to see you guys are into your pizzas at the moment.

  2. Hey Marcus,

    Thanks for your comment. I can certainly not think of any food I would rather eat at a wedding than freshly made piping hot pizza!

    I love pizza but it's Bailey who is the real pizza enthusiast. I think he would eat it for every meal if he could.

    We paid a visit to Dough Pizza Kitchen in Manchester yesterday and I tried out a wholewheat pizza which I very much enjoyed I must say :)

    Hope you are well!

  3. Just be careful you don't get pizza on your dress though, it's a messy business eating pizza!

    Wholewheat pizza sounds good, what's your favorite topping?

  4. Oh that really is a tough one as it depends on whether you mean if you could only have one topping what would it be, or what is your favourite pizza topping generally? I would say my fave topping is jalapeño but I wouldn't have a pizza just with that on as it would be weird- I like jalapeño on a nice veggie laden Veggie Supreme type affair. So if I had to choose just one topping it would be mushroom. As for cheese you can't beat a bit of goat's cheese but again it does need a bit of mozzarella too to hold it all together. OOH, good question Marcus! What is your fave?


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