
Sunday, January 27, 2013

Burns Night Supper

Despite being in no way, shape or form Scottish, Bailey and I decided we would get involved in celebrating Burns Night by having our own little quiet Burns Supper. As I say we are not Scottish but we do like any old excuse to have a bit of a special meal. Very geeky really. As we were celebrating on a week night we couldn't have it too extravagant, although I did manage to escape from work a wee bit early and we did whip out and fill up (then empty) our Toby whisky jug!

We did a bit of digging around to find out what the traditional components of a Burns Supper were. We decided to skip the Cock-a-Leekie Soup and go straight on to the Haggis with Neeps and Tatties. We managed to get a vegetarian haggis from our local corner shop and purveyor of various vegan delicacies, Village Stores. Now I have never eaten any type of haggis, let alone vegetarian so really didn't know what to expect... Well, it was DELICIOUS! We will definitely be getting this again for our veggie roast dinners and I'm going to try and make my own next year. The Neeps and Tatties were good too, I decided to do them more like roasties before giving them just a little bit of a mashing before serving.

For dessert I made a slightly healthier version of a Cranachan using Greek yogurt instead of cream. I used a nice bit of Heather Honey we had, some toasted oats, raspberries and the obligatory nip of whisky! A bit of an unusual dessert, maybe I should have stuck with the cream...

Finally we had a lovely strong Cheddar with some Scottish Oat Cakes and I can safely say this put us well on the road to uncomfortably full. A real treat for us as we do normally eat dead healthily in the week.

Celebrating Burns Night was LOADS of fun. We watched a few Youtube clips of people toasting their haggises and we listened to some dudes reading out Burns poems which was a bit confusing for my non-Scottish ears. We will definitely celebrate Burns Night again next year. Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face, Great chieftain o' the puddin-race! 

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