
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Pop Up Vintage Tea Room at Sale Waterside Art Gallery

I was very excited to be asked by Gwyn of Vintage Afternoon Teas to help out at her Pop Up Tea Room at Sale Waterside Art Gallery.

I've loved Vintage Afternoon Teas ever since Bailey and I visited one of Gwyn's Secret Afternoon Tea Parties so to be given the opportunity to take part in one of the events was too good an offer to pass up.

The tea room looked so pretty with beautifully laid tables nestled amongst the art work dressed with vintage tablecloths, lovely china and fresh flowers. It was so nice that I have to say most people who dropped in to look at the art work couldn't resist pulling up a chair for cake and a cuppa.

Gwyn had baked some delicious treats for the occasion including Carrot Cake, a huge Victoria Sponge, tarts, biccies and scones which were served with clotted cream and Clippy's Apple and Strawberry Jam. There were also a great selection of lovely posh Teapigs Tea.

I loved being able to stare longingly at Gwyn's amazing china and picked up some tips on how to transport it all without breaking any of the delicate teacups. I particuarly loved the cake knives and am definitely going to start hunting for some of my own.

There were many satisfied customers who gave very good feedback on their tea room experience, including my lovely friends Hayley and Kieran who popped in. They described the Coffee Cake as "unreal" and the scones as "amazing".

Another thing that drew quite a lot of attention was Gwyn's old record player which was very popular with children and adults alike.

I had so much fun working at the tea room, I wish it could be my day job! Luckily Gwyn asked if I would like to help out again which I very happily agreed to. The next event at Sale Waterside Art Gallery will be on the 14th of July when more delicious cakes and great teas will be served. Be there or be square!


  1. Thanks Jules, I love your photos (the knives lined up), you've got a good eye:) Very grateful you stood in at one day's notice (I had a hunch it would be busy and it was), you are a "top tea waitress" (we need a badge). Hoping you'll be a regular fixture alongside Carys my mum (who is an ace washer-upper)...tis fun isn't it?!

    1. Thanks Gwyn! I had a great time, would definitely like to be a regular fixture with you and Carys! Looking forward to next month!


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