
Friday, April 13, 2012

Salmon Fishcakes

Fishcakes with a poached egg on top and Hollandaise. That is so three years ago. Well I don't care. It was a lovely sunny day the other Sunday and me and Bailey really fancied it so we decided to make it.

Only problem, finding an open fishmongers on a Sunday in South Manchester is nigh on impossible so we went into M&S in East Dids and bought some roasted salmon which was actually rather yummy. Would have preferred to buy from a local business and roast my own but ho hum.

As we'd spent the previous day eating a variety of calorie-laden food at Slattery's, I thought it best to make a bit of a healthy Hollandaise which turned out quite nice actually but if you're not feeling the burn of having eaten a serving saucer made of chocolate you could substitute the Greek yogurt in the below recipe for butter for a more traditional version.

Turns out Panko breadcrumbs was a good shout - crunchtastic. The dish turned out quite lovely. Glad we went for a little bit of what we fancied.


For the Fishcakes
3 medium potatoes
120g roasted salmon
8 spring onions
1 teaspoon dill
8 tbsp panko breadcrumbs

For the Healthy Hollandaise
3 egg yolks
The juice of 1 lemon
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
4 tbsp Greek yogurt

To serve
2 soft poached eggs

Start by peeling the potatoes. Cut each potato into quarters and boil in a pan of salted water until soft but still completely firm.

Drain the potatoes and leave to cool before mashing until free of lumps. Allow to cool completely.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C. Flake the salmon into the mashed potato.

Chop the spring onions into half-centimetre chunks and stir into the mash and salmon. Add some salt, pepper and the dill.

Form the fishcake mixture into four patties.

Put the panko breadcrumbs onto a plate and coat the fishcakes in the breadcrumbs.

Place on an oven tray that has been sprayed with cooking spray and place into the oven.

Allow to cook until the fishcakes are toasty and golden.

Meanwhile, prepare the Hollandaise by placing a bowl over a pan of boiling water over a low heat.

Add the eggs, the lemon juice and vinegar to the bowl and whisk until thickened. Add the yogurt a tablespoon at a time and remove from the heat.

Place two of the fishcakes onto each plate in a little pile.

Top with a poached egg and drizzle the Hollandaise on top. Serve immediately.

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