
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Pizza Sunday: Purple Sprouting Broccoli and Parmesan

Last weekend we decided to bring Pizza Sunday out of hibernation.

My Uncle Dave had given us some lovely purple sprouting broccoli hand grown in his allotment and we thought it would be great to put on top of our pizza.

During one of my bedtime reading sessions of The Flavour Thesaurus (this is a lovely book to read in bed. Very relaxing) I read that broccoli and hard cheese are a delightful combo, so I thought I'd put the block of Parmesan in my fridge to good use too.

I decided I'd try a wholemeal base this time and was going to use the amazing dough recipe from Country Wood Smoke but forgot to put the mix together the night before, doh. So instead I used our old boring recipe except used wholemeal flour instead.

The dough came out quite well, we gave it a quick blast on its own on the pizza stone before putting the toppings on to make sure it really crisped up.

We parboiled the broccoli for a few minutes and spread the base with a little bit of quark before topping with Parmesan and a bit of cheddar.

The pizza turned out pretty yummy. My only complaint was the quark went a bit solid, I thought it would be nice and creamy like the time I used it on a Pear, Stilton and Walnut pizza. Still, the flavours were great and the base was nice and crisp.

Bailey liked the pizza too. A success!

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