
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Colombian Breakfast

My Colombian mum AĆ­da has been cooking us Huevos Pericos with arepas for as long as I can remember. Bailey was a convert as soon as he tasted his first plate of the stuff and we swear by it for a Saturday morning treat breakfast as it really is the best way to start the weekend. The thick arepas are also enough to alleviate the deadliest of hangovers - you can get the Areparina to make these from Las Iguanas.

My mum started sprinkling her Huevos Pericos with feta a few years ago as this is probably the most similar to the Colombian queso fresco you get over there. We also love smothering ours in hot sauce. We always use Mr Vikki's Hot Stuff Sauce but on this occasion we had a brand new bottle of The Rib Man Holy Fuck Hot Sauce so tried that out too - either is a winning combination with the brekkie and are both ace sauces that we highly recommend. 

1 mug of Areparina
1 mug of boiling water
4 eggs
1 bunch spring onions
4 tomatoes
90g feta cheese
Hot sauce

Preheat the grill. Place the Areparina in a bowl and season.

Add the mug of water to the Areparina and mix well. Leave for a few minutes to allow the water to fully absorb.

Split the mixture into two chunks and roll them into little balls. Flatten the balls into large flat patties about 1 centimetre thick.

Place the two arepas under the grill until toasty and crisp on one side. Flip over until crisp on both sides.

Meanwhile, chop the spring onion and tomatoes.

Place them in a frying pan and cook until soft.

Crack the eggs into the pan with the tomatoes and onions. Season and heat until the eggs are scrambled and cooked to your taste.

Put the eggs on top of the grilled arepas and grate the feta on top. Cover with hot sauce and serve with your favourite morning hot drink. We always do ours with a freshly brewed coffee. Yummy!


  1. Ooh intrigued and will have to stay that way as I have no Las Iguanas near me. What is the Areparinasis it a type of flour. I want this breakfast and I recommend Kick ass sauce

    1. Ooh what's Kick Ass sauce? Will check it out.

      I think you could try this brekkie with toast or English muffins and it would still be nice. Do try to get to a Las Iguanas though, as the stuff is fantastic! Bit of info on it here...


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