
Monday, April 30, 2012

April Foodie Penpals

Another month and another exciting Foodie Penpals match up! I was sent a parcel by Sarah from One Day I Will See the Sun who thought she would mainly send me a variety of fancy snacks, as I'm always rushing around at work and don't have time to eat much!

Included in this snacky box were loads of different cereal bars including a Keerunch Bar, a Trek Bar, a 9 Bar, a Pulsin' Bar, and some Nakd Bars which I've seen around quite a lot but never tried.

Sarah obviously noticed my love of baking and also included some pink shimmer sugar. Looking forward to making my cakes look super girly and pretty using it!

She also sent me some Roasted Chickpeas from Garbanzo which is great as I really fell for these when we were in Morocco and it's lovely to try some different flavours.

I also got a Raspberry Crumble from Devondale Bakery which I'm saving for a treat to have with a cuppa as it looks really lovely very much like a Streuselkuchen we had in Vienna at Christmas.

Finally there was also a bag of Clotted Cream and Honey Fudge from Radford's Fine Fudge - both Bailey and I were very excited about this and are looking forward to having it as part of an afternoon tea sometime soon. It was very nice to receive something produced in Sarah's local area that we can't get our hands on up here!

What a jam-packed parcel and I loved the Hello Kitty paper that my note was written on - thanks so much Sarah!

My match for this month was Andrea from Made With Pink. I was absolutely stunned by her beautiful blog and beautiful food so tried to make up a box I thought she might like with a mixture of bought items such as some Caramel Callets I picked up when we went to Slattery's and home made treats like Maple Granola and Rocky Road. To see what Andrea thought of my parcel, go to her reveal page on her gorgeous blog here. To check out the rest of this month's Foodie Penpals reveal posts, go here.


  1. Thanks again for my lovely package Jules! Everything so far has been delicious. Looks like you got a great one yourself!

  2. ohh i got to try some of those naked bars when i did an international foodie exchange. loved them!

  3. This is a great parcel, the Hello Kitty paper just tops it off! A great range of snacks to suit any mood, right?

    1. Gotta love the Hello Kitty paper :) Can't wait to snack my way through it all!

  4. Ah, I know the shipping is rough but we need to do a UK-US/Canada blogger swap!

    1. Would be great as we'd get to try things you can't get in the other country!

  5. Those roasted chickpeas sound delicious!!

    1. Polished off a pack last night and they were great. It took me ages to eat the whole bag and they were really filling!

  6. Fudge sounds great :) are also worth a try too if you like gourmet fudge

  7. Fudge sounds great :) are also worth a try too if you like gourmet fudge


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