
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sweet Potato, Feta and Pepper Frittata

Me and Bailey have decided in recent weeks that the time has finally come to bring good old Omelette Wednesday back into fashion in our house!

We kind of went off them a bit as we'd used up all our omelette ideas and it was a case of too much of a good thing. However, we recently started to think that they really are the best dinner because they're really easy, quick, healthy, versatile and filling.

Our old favourite is the good old Sweet Potato, Feta and Pepper Frittata that we sort of based on a Spanish Tortilla de Patatas with some more interesting flavours. This time we had a bit of thyme knocking about in the fridge so thought we would add that to it too which worked rather well!


1 sweet potato
1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
90g feta
5 eggs
5 thyme sprigs

Peel the sweet potato and chop into bite-size chunks. Place in the microwave for around 5 minutes until the potato chunks have softened.

Meanwhile, slice the peppers then cut the slices in half again. Add to a frying pan with some cooking spray and fry off for a few minutes.

Add the sweet potato chunks to the frying pan with the peppers and cook until the vegetables are soft and browned. Remove from the heat and leave to cool.

Crack the eggs into a large bowl.

Beat the eggs well and scrape the leaves from the sprigs of thyme into the beaten egg.

Chop the feta into chunks.

Add the feta and the veg from the frying pan to the beaten egg and beat well.

Give the frying pan a good wash. Add some more cooking spray to the frying pan before pouring the frittata mix to the pan and cooking over a low heat.

When the frittata is almost completely cooked and the only bit of runny egg left is in the top of the pan, heat up the grill. Put the pan under the grill.

Grill the frittata until the top is cooked and the chunks of feta have started to brown. The frittata is ready to serve.


  1. I love omelettes and I never think to have them for dinner, so thanks for the nudge! This one looks absolutely gorgeous.


  2. Thanks Seren! Hope you enjoy it. I really love the flavours and textures in this one - feta is always a winner in my book! Cheers for the comment! x


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