
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Primrose Bakery

While in London for Bailey's Birthday Eating Adventure, we had of course planned to fit in afternoon tea and cakes at Primrose Bakery in Covent Garden. Readers of our blog will of course know that we are massive fans of the Primrose Bakery books and the majority of the cakes we make are at least adapted from their recipes. This meant that we were super excited about visiting the real Primrose Bakery to see how their cakes should actually look and taste when they are made by the pros.

What with it being Bailey's birthday and all I felt it would have been a wasted opportunity not to call ahead and plan a little cake-related surprise for our visit. I spoke to a very friendly lady who helped me decide on a pre-order of four cupcakes decorated with the message "Happy Birthday Bailey". In terms of flavours I decided on two carrot cupcakes - these were the first cakes Bailey ever baked from our Cupcakes book (which you can actually read about here!) with two chocolate ones as I know how much Bails likes a nice bit of choc.

Unfortunately I spoiled the surprise a little bit due to our plans for the day changing a little bit when we decided to go and get last minute tickets to see Stuart Lee and Bailey spotting me sneaking off to make a call to a mysterious number saved as "Primrose Bakery" in my phone! Darn it! Anyway the surprise was still lovely. The bakery was just lovely inside - really cosy and nicely decorated with beautiful colourful cupcakes on display.

Our cupcakes were absolutely gorgeous - I was really pleased with how they looked and they tasted amazing.  The carrot cakes were beautifully moist and the icing on the chocolate cupcakes was awesome. They were definitely better than the ones we do at home but I was still quite proud when comparing theirs to our efforts - we haven't been doing too badly! We loved them so much that we bought an extra two of the same flavour to take away with us.

We really enjoyed our trip to Primrose Bakery - they made us feel so welcome and the cakes lived up to our expectations. We will definitely be visiting them again - next time we will make sure we get to Primrose Hill to visit their original shop. A lovely business - I would definitely recommend popping in for a cake and also buying a copy of each of their books!

Primrose Bakery on Urbanspoon


  1. Happy birthday Bailey,
    looks a perfect foodie tour of london, the pizza looked awesome.
    You guys are serious pizza connosieurs, and I think you should definately get a wood pizzza oven one day :)
    Have a great Christmas

  2. The pizza was awesome Marcus - you would have loved it! You simply must get yourself down to Franco Manca (early) and try one out for yourself!

    Definitely got pizza oven near the top of the priorities list for whenever we finally get a house! I was having a good look at your tutorial the other week and I reckon I could maybe even manage it myself one half term holiday!

    Cheers for popping by! Merry Christmas

    Jules x

  3. My favourite bakery too, I don't make many celebration cakes but when I do people always get something along the lines of a rather mad-looking Primrose bakery celebration cake, love those cupcakes for Bailey!

    1. Fabulous to hear that Gwyn, I'm such a fan of your cakes as well as Primrose! :)

  4. My favourite bakery too, I don't make many celebration cakes but when I do people always get something along the lines of a rather mad-looking Primrose bakery celebration cake, love those cupcakes for Bailey!


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