
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pasta alla Genovese

The other day, after an exhausting morning of being a lady of leisure and charity shopping in Alderley Edge and Cheadle, I was gasping for a filling, stodgy but summery meal to sort me out for the afternoon of being a lady of leisure.

I decided to whip up a nice batch of Pasta all Genovese - a really tasty, light pasta dish with carrots, green beans, potatoes and a pesto-style sauce.

It's really simple and tasty - anything with double carbs in is fine by me. It is also really easy to make because all you need to do is chuck everything in the same pan of water to cook then stir in your sauce.

The end result of my cooking was an absolutely bulging pan of pasta. I made so much that there was enough for us to keep for the next day. Bailey put the leftovers in an oven dish and topped with cheddar cheese to make a sort of pasta bake which was also really nice.

Recipe (serves 4):

3 large handfuls of fresh basil
4 garlic cloves, crushed
100g parmesan
120 ml cider vinegar
120ml veggie stock
400g dried pasta
2 potatoes
3 carrots
120g of green beans (I used a green beans and sugar snap peas mix pack that I accidentally bought instead of beans)

Bring a large (it has to be large!) pan of salted water to a rolling boil, before adding the pasta and cooking for 8-9 minutes. Meanwhile, peel your potatoes and carrots before cutting them into chunks.

Add the potatoes and carrots to the water with the pasta and cook for two minutes. Meanwhile, cut your green beans (and sugar snap peas if using) into lengths of about half an inch.

Cook the beans in with everything else for a further 4 minutes. Meanwhile, chuck all of the rest of the ingredients into a food processor to make the pesto sauce.

Unfortunately our blender carked it just the day before so I had to try and chop everything up by hand and mix it with a spoon. Bad times. I guess this made it more rustic... Hmm. No, I don't think it did, it just wasn't as tasty! So if you can, do blend it.

Take the pasta and veggies off the heat and drain well. Put the pasta back into the large pan and mix the pesto sauce in before serving with extra parmesan on top.

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