
Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Waterfront Restaurant

A couple of weekends ago when Bailey and I were visiting my Nan and family down south in Suffolk, we all went out for a big Saturday lunchtime meal to celebrate my Auntie Barbara's recent retirement.

The chosen location was The Waterfront Restaurant in the sleepy seaside town of Kessingland. Apparently this little treasure had been discovered by Mum, Dad, Nan and Barbara on a sunny day trip last summer when the lovely little restaurant located right on the sea front had grabbed their attention.

Unfortunately, the setting did not look quite as idyllic set to the background of a drizzly February day.

However, once settled inside (cunningly positioned next to a radiator) I began to appreciate the views through the window of the dramatic, dark clouds and the vast, empty beaches just opposite the restaurant. It made me feel really grateful to be warm inside and I realised that whatever the weather, it is not often you get a sea view while eating out in England.

The waitress was very friendly and efficient and we were soon served our drinks so everyone was happy.

The menu offered a wide selection of seafood dishes, risotto and pasta. They also had a separate menu for light bites, pizzas and snacks. I thought it would be a shame not to go for a fish dish given that we were bang opposite the sea so I ordered the sea bass while majority of my family went for fish and chips.

The wait for the food wasn't too long at all but long enough so that we could be reassured our food wasn't being zapped in a microwave.

When my meal of grilled sea bass with beans, potatoes and tomatoes arrived I was really impressed with the simple, clean presentation and I couldn't wait to tuck in.

My fish was perfectly cooked - really soft and moist and melting in my mouth. The potatoes and veg were lovely too. I was really pleased with the taste.

Looking at other people's plates (which I of course always do) I did feel a little short changed on the portion size. I mean, my nan's fish and chips were almost the size of her!

One thing I do like about going out with my family is that as we are all a bunch of pickers when it comes to food, we always have a taste of each other's meals so this meant I was able to taste everyone else's!

My mum had ordered a fillet of salmon with some sort of glaze and a deep fried squid slinky. Her salmon was absolutely delicious and also perfectly cooked. I also thought the squid slinky - a spring of squid in a light batter - was a great idea that I had never seen done before in a restaurant.

I also tasted my dad's prawn and smoked haddock and pasta and this was also amazing. The menu stated that all pasta was made fresh in the restaurant and it really paid off as the pasta was delicious and had really absorbed all the smoky flavours of the haddock. Roy also commented rthat his pasta dish seemed to be never ending so another good portion size there!

Everyone who ordered the fish and chips thoroughly enjoyed them, although had I ordered them I would have been disappointed at the absense of mushy peas on the plate although I am aware that is more of a Northern thing.

Bailey's review of the meal was very positive as he really enjoyed the crispy batter, fresh-tasting fish and chunky chips but that he did find a few bones. But then Bailey always seems to get fish that is filled with bones, I think he is cursed.

After my meal I had a very nice coffee and the owners of the restaurant didn't seem to mind us staying at our table for quite a while and relaxing.

I thought the food and atmosphere of The Waterfront were excellent and I would definitely recommend it for fish and seafood lovers everywhere. I definitely want to go back there again in the blue skies of summer when apparently, the whole of the coast up to Lowestoft can be seen from the beach.

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