
Thursday, January 20, 2011

Very Low Fat Houmous with crudités

As it is that time of the year when we are all watching our waistlines yet fighting to beat those January blues (it is actually the dreaded BLUE MONDAY on Monday, let's hope I survuve it), I thought I would treat myself to a bit of homemade houmous.

By whizzing up a few ingredients I had in the cupboard and fridge I came up with a tasty and spicy recipe for a guilt free houmous which Bailey and I ate in front of a film. What a treat!

A tin of chickpeas
2 level dessert spoons of Tahini paste
2 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped
Fat free fromage frais
2 limes, juiced
Pinch of paprika
Veg for dipping: carrots, peppers, cucumber

Whizz up the chickpeas, garlic, tahini and lime juice until smooth. Gradually add the fromage frais until the houmous is at a consistency you are happy with. Transfer a portion of houmous to a ramekin and sprinkle with a pinch of paprika. 
Chop up some yummy vegetables for your crudité to dip into the houmous. You could also make up some spicy potato wedges to dip for an extra treat.
Best when eaten on lap in front of a good film.

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